Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fun Friday!

Had a fabulous time at Bonnie's house on Friday May 1st! Took BIG Riley with me and he had a great time with LITTLE Riley...Still can't believe that we have dogs with the same name and that they have the same coloring even...and yet they are two totally different breed dogs...

We got there at around 7:30 in the morning *yawn* because I had to take Christine to work cause her car died......and I needed my car in order to be able to transport Mr. Riley. Thank God Bonnie made some coffee...although I gotta tell ya I have become a lightweight coffee drinker cause I was FLYING on the java she made. Homegirl is now a pansy and is used to weaker stuff. LOL She also graciously made me some wonderful breakfast so that I would not fly off into outerspace with empty tummy on "superjava". It was YUMMY!

I was surprised with some really cool gifts - a book called "Knitting Rules" which is not only really informative and stress relieving from a "it's only string" standpoint - it is hilarious! There is nothing snobby about the author - Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee; in fact, she is a very self-deprecating down to earth soul. I am so much more relaxed (well so far anyway) after reading that how I have felt and am feeling about my new hobby/lifestyle is NOT bizarre. Bonnie also gave me a really cute cat bracelet that is a row counter! And some yarn from her HUGE stash! She told me she had a "store" but I had no idea just how true that statement was! Oh and she also gave me a darning needle which is an essential item to have it my knitting tool kit.

I am almost finished with my newest project which is also my most courageous endeavor yet - A beret! I am going to try and finish it in my class today and if I do I will get terry to take some pictures with me wearing it. The most recent project I finished is a CA facecloth -0 which has the outline of the state and the letters CA on it....I think I may have boo-booed a little on the "C" but no big deal...... so here it is......

I am so excited and still quite surprised at my ability to do this.....

ok well I need to go get ready so I can go to class shortly.
